素食雪蓮三棗藥材湯  vegetarian diet Xue Lian & Dates Soup

調味料 Seasoning
1 茶匙 鹽 1 tsp salt

素食雪蓮三棗藥材湯  vegetarian diet Xue Lian & Dates Soup

心得交流站 :材料B的藥材煮滾關火再焗40分鐘,可使到藥材容易出味。

將材料B煮滾,關火焗40分鐘後,再開火煮滾才加入材料A,待滾開後以小火煮2小時,然後加入調味料即成。Bring ingredients B to boil ,and then off the heat and let it stay for 40 minutes;heat up again until boiled, add in ingredients A and bring to boil again; turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hours, season to taste.
